Operational Improvements

Redefining PAR Location Management: A Key to Reducing Hospital Overstock

The Overstock Problem in Healthcare

In healthcare, efficient inventory management is critical, yet many hospitals face problems in balancing the extremes of overstock and stock shortages. We see this problem particularly prevalent in non-PAR locations, such as supply chain offices and storage rooms, that fall outside the scope of traditional inventory tracking systems creating a need for inventory visibility. These overlooked areas often become gathering areas for recalled, expired, or unnecessary stock.

  • Financial Waste: Hospitals incur significant losses due to expiring excess supplies.
  • Patient Safety Concerns: Overstock can lead to the use of expired or recalled items, posing risks to patient safety.
  • Operational Challenges: Excess inventory complicates the management process, making it difficult to identify what is available, needed, or redundant.

The traditional approach to hospital inventory management is primarily focused on main PAR areas and fails to address these non-PAR locations effectively. As healthcare facilities strive for operational excellence and cost-effectiveness, the need for a more comprehensive solution becomes evident.

The Middle Ground: SxanPro’s Solution

SxanPro understands that healthcare facilities often need a middle ground between implementing a full-scale PAR (Periodic Automatic Replenishment) system and having no PAR system at all, which can lead to a lack of visibility in certain areas. To address this gap, SxanPro offers Unlimited Organizational Flexibility within its inventorying technology. Organize your inventory with unlimited tiers, creating custom folders and lists to categorize items based on region, hospital, specific areas within the hospital, or rooms. This approach is tailored to the unique needs of each healthcare facility and provides a comprehensive yet non-disruptive way to manage inventory across all hospital areas, including Bob's office.

The Process of SxanPro’s Solution:

  • Customized Locations: SxanPro collaborates with healthcare facilities to create location folders when inventorying that reflect their unique naming nomenclature. This step is essential in organizing the inventory list in a way that is cohesive and makes sense to supply chain staff.
  • Product and Location Identification: Using these folders and lists, staff can easily identify the product's specific location. Each item's UDI (Unique Device Identification) is then scanned to gather comprehensive manufacturer information.
  • Scanning with SxanPro Technology: After establishing the locations and creating folders and lists, areas are scanned using SxanPro's UDI-based mobile technology.
  • Detailed Visibility: The system allows for complete visibility of important product information matched to their locations, such as expiration dates, lot numbers, and reference numbers, which is crucial for safe and effective inventory management.

SxanPro’s solution generates actionable data that enables healthcare facilities to:

  • Track Expired Products: By identifying areas with a high incidence of expired products, hospitals can take preventive measures, thus enhancing patient safety.
  • Recover Investment in Slow/No-Move Items: Pinpointing underutilized items allows hospitals to reallocate resources or recover investments through platforms like SxanPro MRKT.
  • Facilitate Efficient Transfers: Recommendations for product transfers based on current data optimize inventory use across different departments.
  • Rationalize PAR Locations: By using custom folders and lists, you can see where your problem areas might be and rationalize the creation of new PAR Locations if necessary- a solution SxanPro can also provide.

Bridging the Gap in Overstock Management

SxanPro's innovative approach offers a viable middle path between a complete PAR system and the lack of visibility that comes with no PAR locations. This solution redefines PAR location management, addressing the overstock challenge effectively and ensuring financial, operational, and patient care efficiencies. With SxanPro, healthcare facilities can embrace a new standard in inventory management, one that is both comprehensive and adaptable to their unique needs.

About SxanPro

SxanPro is a Intuitive patented mobile technology that leverages Unique DeviceIdentification (UDI) to enhance inventory data quality to improve supply chain processes in healthcare settings. By transforming better data into actionable insights, we empower organizations to make informed, data-driven decisions that drive cost recovery and operational efficiency.

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