Cost Recovery

Practical Solutions for Dollar Recovery and Waste Reduction in Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, an essential global sector, there's an urgent need for a smarter approach to waste reduction in supply chain management. It's not just about the environmental impact;  it's about enhancing financial and operational efficiency.

The Reality of Healthcare Waste

Hospitals are facing an unprecedented waste crisis:

Ways to recover dollars and reduce waste in  healthcare:

The strategies to address this issue encompass a range of innovative and practical solutions:

  1. Physician Preference Card Projects: A major cause of waste in operating rooms is inaccurate physician preference cards. Manual management and infrequent updates often lead to unnecessary waste, as unused items get discarded, or put in a put-back bin to expire out. Implementing inventory data visualization tools like SxanPro's LINK can help revise these cards based on usage, leading to substantial reductions in waste.
  2. Device Reprocessing in Clinical Areas: In high-usage areas like operating rooms, identifying and reprocessing medical devices can substantially reduce waste. This practice not only cuts down on waste but also saves costs associated with purchasing new equipment.
  3. Collaborate with Medical Resale Companies: Partnering with experienced companies like SxanPro MRKT, which have systems to manage equipment or medical supply sales, offers a dual benefit: It allows other healthcare facilities to use items before expiration, and it recovers costs for items that would otherwise be written off as waste.
  4. Increase Inventory Visibility with Inventory Visibility Technology: Improving inventory management is the main solution for a more sustainable and cost-conscious supply chain. Transitioning from manual to digital, automated, and consolidated processes can reduce waste significantly. SxanPro's LINK not only automates inventorying with UDI barcode scanning technology, allowing you to inventory more often with higher accuracy and speed, but it also gives you insights on what’s on shelves, usage, pricing and helps you identify products that are not being used and are causing surplus or waste. Inventory visibility also gives you the information you need to manage PAR levels and allocation, reordering processes, and non-stock rooms.
  5. Identify Underused or Wasted Stock Items: Continuing supply shortages pose challenges for health workers and patients. By maximizing supply inventory and reducing wasted items, healthcare facilities can ensure that supplies are available when needed. SxanPro offers tailored solutions for inventory management, focusing on high-waste areas like crash carts and physician preference item (PPI) waste. The LINK dashboard provides insights and recommendations for product transfers, selling items close to expiration, or donations.
About SxanPro

SxanPro is a Intuitive patented mobile technology that leverages Unique DeviceIdentification (UDI) to enhance inventory data quality to improve supply chain processes in healthcare settings. By transforming better data into actionable insights, we empower organizations to make informed, data-driven decisions that drive cost recovery and operational efficiency.

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