Experience our NEW Cost Recovery Dashboard!

Sign up now to be the first to see the market's only inter-hospital transfer tool!

Get to Know SxanPro

Inventory Intelligence, Simplified.

SxanPro’s patented mobile technology uses Unique Device Identification (UDI) to enhance inventory data in healthcare, transforming better data into actionable insights for cost recovery and operational efficiency.
MacBook mockup

Data-Driven Inventory Optimization Solutions

From the C-suite to the supply chain, we deliver unprecedented data-driven transparency and accountability.

Our Mobile Technology

Inventory Data Capture Enhanced

SxanPro is an innovative, simple technology that anyone can use. With a single UDI barcode scan capture complete, accurate device data and eliminate manual processes. Instantly retrieve inventory data, including GTIN, lot numbers, and expiration dates.

Accurate digital inventory improves:
Icon depicting UDI Scanning

Supply chain tasks through digitization

Icon symbolizing scanpro always innovating for healthcare

Overall supply and staffing utilization

Icon depicting inventory workflow optimization

Operational workflows and patient safety

Our Inventory Health Dashboard

Visibility and Insights Maximized

The Inventory Health Dashboard translates supply data into accurate, point-in-time visualizations of your inventory. It provides a complete inventory view for managing and maintaining inventory health, from individual specialty carts to entire hospital systems.

Digital dashboard data empowers:
Icon depicting inventory visibility

Proactive control over on-hand inventory

Icon depicting accountability for staff in healthcare supply chain

Staff accountability for expired or recalled inventory

Icon depicting increased data quality in healthcare supply chain

Accurate inventory data and actionable insights for informed decisions

Our NEW Cost-Recovery Dashboard

Financial Optimization Visualized

SxanPro is the only solution on the market that gives actionable inter-hospital supply guidance on selling, transferring, or repurposing. Optimize usage, minimize waste, and maximize recovery value across your entire supply chain.

The Cost Recovery Dashboard provides:
Icon depicting cost recovery via Scan Pro dashboard for healthcare inventory optimization

Actionable cost insights for informed financial decisions

Icon depicting inter-hospital transfer capabilities with scanpro dashboard

Transfer guidance across your entire hospital network

Icon depicting increased data quality in healthcare supply chain

Continuously optimized resources and reduced costs

Technology Where You Need It

SxanPro partners to provide data, bridging information gaps in data-scarce locations.

Healthcare professional using the ScanPro app to scan a medical device in a hospital supply room, ensuring accurate inventory tracking and optimized supply chain management through UDI technology.
icon depicting an OR (operating room)

Clinical Spaces

Specialized areas account for 90% of a hospital's spend and are managed by the most personnel. Our solutions centralizes data to serve as a reliable source of truth for these areas, reducing and recovering supply costs by up to 20% in these high-dollar areas.

icon depicting a hospital door

Vendor Managed Inventory

Blurred ownership lines in vendor inventory rooms lead to a lack of accountability for items facing recalls or expiration. Our technology provides hospitals with full visibility and control over vendor inventory, reducing mismanagement by over 48%, even beyond PAR systems.

icon depicting a healthcare supply chain crash cart

Specialty Carts

Managing supply carts often diverts clinical staff from their primary responsibilities, with 30% of them reporting time spent on supply chain tasks. SxanPro empowers supply chain teams to efficiently manage these carts, allowing nurses to focus on what they do best—caring for patients.

The Healthcare Supply Chain Industry’s Fastest Path to Value

SxanPro Guarantees 100% ROI in the First Year

Our technology and industry-leading analytics deliver immediate, measurable benefits from day one. Continued use ensures ongoing operational improvements and cost recapture for sustainable long-term value.

Icon depicting inventory workflow optimization

Workflow Efficiency


of clinical staff time is diverted from patient care to perform manual supply chain tasks

Icon depicting inventory visibility

Data Visibility


of hospitals have expired, recalled, or lost inventory leading to substantial financial losses

Icon depicting cost recovery in healthcare supply chain

Financial Impact


of a recent customer's investment was recovered within 30 days, totaling $642,938 throughout the year

No IT Integration.
No Manual Entry.
No Disruption.

SxanPro seamlessly fits into your existing tech ecosystem, minimizing disruption and maximizing ROI.